愿望 英文(want, desire, hope, wish, expect 和 look forward to的区别)



want v. n. 想要,需要。 v. 通缉,追捕 He is wanted man. 他是被 通缉的人。

desire v. n. 渴望,希望,强烈的欲望。比want 更正式,更强烈。一般不用进行时态、祈使句。

hope v. n. 希望,期望。表示主观上的愿望并对其实现抱有信心。

wish. v. n. 但愿,愿望。常表示祝愿,或者不太可能实现或根本不可能实现的愿望。

look forward to 期待,盼望,等待。后接名词或动名词。表示等待,盼望某事发生。

expect v. 期望,指望,预料,预期。指对将要发生的事,或认为要发生的事的期待。


1、want v. n. 想要,需要。常用结构 want sth. / want to do sth. / want sb. to do sth.

v. 通缉,追捕 He is wanted man. 他是被 通缉的人。

What do you want? 你想要什么?

I want to go shopping. 我想去逛街。

He wants me to join the club. 他想让我加入俱乐部。

2、desirev. 渴望,希望,强烈的欲望。n. 渴望,欲望,情欲,要求(不可数名词); 所想要的东西(可数名词) 常用结构 desire sth. / desire to do sth./ desire sb. to do sth. / desire that+从句,但一般不用进行时态、祈使句。

We all desire peace and happiness. 我们都渴望和平幸福。

He desire to win the election. 他渴望在选举中获胜。

She desires me to buy a car for her. 她渴望我给她买辆车。

My mother desires that I can go to see her every week. 我妈妈希望我能每周都去看她。

He has no desire for wealth. 他对财富没有欲望。

3、hopev. n. 希望,期望。表示主观上的愿望并对其实现抱有信心。hope to do sth. / hope that+从句

I hope to see you again soon. 我希望很快再见到你。

I hope (that) i can pass the exam. 我希望能通过考试。

Her hope is that she can become a doctor. 她的希望是能成为一名医生。

There is no hope of finding the lost ring. 没有希望找到丢失的戒指了。

You are my last hope. 你是我最后所指望的人。

4、wishv. n. 但愿,希望,愿望。常表示祝愿,或者不太可能实现或根本不可能实现的愿望。常用结构 wish to do sth. / wish sb. to do sth. / wish +双宾语 / wish that +从句

I wish to retire early. 我希望早点儿退休。

I wish you success. 我希望你成功。

I wish you to go with me. 我希望你和我一起去。

Best wishes for you! 给你最美好的祝福!

Make a wish! 许个愿


I wish (that) i were a bird. 我希望我是一只鸟。(根本不可能实现,用虚拟语气,系动词用were)

I wish (that) you would be here to look after me. 我希望你能在这儿照顾我。(与现实相反,只是心里这么希望,要是你能在这儿照顾我多好!虚拟语气,用过去式would)

5、look forward to sth./ doing sth.期待,盼望,等待,希望。表示等待,期望或向往某事。

We are looking forward to your visit. 我们期待您的拜访。

Looking forward to your reply. 期待您的答复。(常用信件的末尾)

I am looking forward to seeing you soon. 我期待早日见到你。

6、expectv. 期望,指望,预料,预期。指对将要发生的事,或认为要发生的事的期待。

I expect a higher salary. 我期望更高的工资。

I never expect his help. 我从没指望他帮忙。

We expect to hear the good news from you. 我们期待从你那儿听到好消息。

I expect you to give me a hand. 我指望你帮帮我。

He expected that he could get there on time. 他预料能准时到那儿。

be expecting 怀孕, 但不是所有 be expecting 都表示怀孕

She is expecting. 她怀孕了。

He is expecting your call. 他在期待你的电话。be expecting sb. / sth. 期待某人/某事

关键词: want desire hope wish expect look forward to的区别